Mission Statement
The International Black Freedom Alliance is a collective of black people who’s dedicated to fighting for the liberation of black people everywhere in the world. Our immediate goal is to empower black working class communities with the tools and the vision to create a fair and equal society globally.
About US
The International Black Freedom Alliance or TheIBFA is a Pan African (All Black People Everywhere) collective (Organization) who organizes without boarders (Globally) to bring forth Liberation (Freedom) for black people everywhere through Local (Community) Organizing. Our struggle is against the system of White Supremacy and the structure that support it. We organize black communities to dismantle the current oppressive system so that we can replace it with a better system. Over the next year, we will unify our people by creating a Cultural Revolution that will begin to set the conditions for us to free ourselves.
On August 10th, 2016 Community Organizers in St. Louis Missouri, several cities in the United States as well as globally decided to create an umbrella for like minded black people to organize our own liberation. We wanted to create a blueprint that our people could use right now to begin to defeat the system of White Supremacy.