Mission Statement

The International Black Freedom Alliance is a collective of black people who’s dedicated to fighting for the liberation of black people everywhere in the world. Our immediate goal is to empower black working class communities with the tools and the vision to create a fair and equal society globally.

About US

    The International Black Freedom Alliance or TheIBFA is a Pan African (All Black People Everywhere) collective (Organization) who organizes without boarders (Globally) to bring forth Liberation (Freedom) for black people everywhere through Local (Community) Organizing. Our struggle is against the system of White Supremacy and the structure that support it. We organize black communities to dismantle the current oppressive system so that we can replace it with a better system. Over the next year, we will unify our people by creating a Cultural Revolution that will begin to set the conditions for us to free ourselves.



On August 10th, 2016 Community Organizers in St. Louis Missouri, several cities in the United States as well as globally decided to create an umbrella for like minded black people to organize our own liberation. We wanted to create a blueprint that our people could use right now to begin to defeat the system of White Supremacy.


Guiding Principles

Love - The most radical emotion one can have under a system which attempts to take your humanity | The public and/or private act of affirmation and a unwavering concern for someone or a group of people

Love - The most radical emotion one can have under a system which attempts to take your humanity The public and/or private act of affirmation and a unwavering concern for someone or a group of people

Harmony - To live in balance with our people and the environment to bring about peace in our communities, nation, and society.

Harmony - To live in balance with our people and the environment to bring about peace in our communities, nation, and society.

Resistance - To present an alternative or a counter culture that opposes the mainstream or social norms.

Resistance - To present an alternative or a counter culture that opposes the mainstream or social norms.

Power - A critical mass of people who posses influence, skills, and the resources to bring forth a vision and the means to protect it

Power - A critical mass of people who posses influence, skills, and the resources to bring forth a vision and the means to protect it

Unity - Oneness under one banner or for the same goal

Unity - Oneness under one banner or for the same goal

Solidarity - To work with and show up for our comrades who are on our side in the class struggle or who are fighting the same oppressor

Solidarity - To work with and show up for our comrades who are on our side in the class struggle or who are fighting the same oppressor

I for one believe that if you give people a thorough understanding of what confronts them and the basic causes that produce it, they’ll create their own program, and when the people create a program, you get action.
— Malcolm X

The International Black Freedom Alliance Pledge

  • We will Feed Our People with healthy food and then with knowledge so that we all can feed ourselves 
  • We will Service Our People with love in our hearts, sincerity in our feet and courage in our hands so that the vision in our brain will come to fruition
  • We will Educate Our People on who we were as a people pre-colonization, what our ancestors beliefs, culture and traditions were, how to love our people unconditionally, what tools are needed to destroy as well as build, and last but not least what it’s going to take for us to free ourselves
  • We will Shelter Our People from the oppressor’s system by creating and supporting economic, educational, spiritual, political and cultural institutions that are here to liberate our mind, body, and soul 
  • We will Protect Our People by teaching our people on the rights that we desire to live under as well as teaching our people on what tools that any group of people uses who desire to live and thrive forever  
  • We will Love Our People by accepting them for who they are and loving them even when they don’t love themselves

Year One Goals

  • Train 250 Organizers
  • Members on Six Continents
  • Engage our Community through Programs, Services and Discussions
  • Raise the Consciousness of our People through National and International Campaigns
Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Community Solutions

Community Solutions

Black Protectors

Black Protectors

Raise Our Collective Consciousness

Raise Our Collective Consciousness

Year Three Goals

Black People Power

Black People Power

Black Controlled Land

Black Controlled Land

Black Political Agenda

Black Political Agenda

  • Acquire Land for our members to use for Agriculture, Housing, and Education
  • Chapters on Six Continents
  • Obtain Local Political Power

We either have the land with no resources to build and sustain it or limited individual resources that leaves us very little money after we purchase the land. We as a people and an organization must come together to invest collectively so that we can produce enough resources to sustain our selves. Imagine growing food to feed thousands with enough to send to our people when a crisis hits. Or having a place to take a break from Racism to heal yourself alone or with others. We will purchase buildings, homes and land so that we will have safe space controlled and operated by us for the empowerment and sustainability of our people. This is how we grow a people and a nation because there is no liberation without land.

Year Five Goals

  • Feed and Educate Every Member Monthly
  • Unify One Million Black People Globally under One Banner
  • Establish 100 Communities of Resistance
  • Present a Blueprint for How We End White Supremacy Globally in Our Lifetime
  • Present Global Policy to the United Nations for Global Reparations for Black People

You ready or nah?

Testify at United Nation on how to end White Supremacy/Racism Globally

Testify at United Nation on how to end White Supremacy/Racism Globally

                                                Nation Building

                                                Nation Building

 Feed Our People ---Then ---Teach Our People How to Feed Our People

 Feed Our People ---Then ---Teach Our People How to Feed Our People

                                      Blueprint for Black People

                                      Blueprint for Black People

                                       Global Black Movement

                                       Global Black Movement
